Nexus Network Journal Vol. 24 on NEXUS 20/21

Nexus Network Journal Vol. 24, Issue 2 and 3 report on NEXUS 20/21 Conference in Kaiserslautern as online conference with selected contributions


The Nexus Network Journal Vol.24, Issue 2 - June 2022 and Nexus Network Journal Vol. 24, Issue 3 - September 2022 report on NEXUS 20/21, the 13th international, interdisciplinary conference for architecture and mathematics. This event took place in July 2021 in Kaiserslautern as an online conference. 

From over 50 presentations at the conference, the Scientific Committee nominated a series of works for potential inclusion in two special issues of the Nexus Network Journal. Vol. 24, Issue 2 and Vol 24, Issue 3 contain eleven contributions each.

The editors of these two issues of the journal are Cornelie Leopold and Michael J. Ostwald.